Mutambara Mission was established in 1908. Starting with a primary school, then hospital, farm a teacher's training college. then high school. Mutambara High School have an enrollment of 1300 students. The school seeks to invest in sports development program
Volunteers on this program facilitate training and extra-curricular activities for Children coming all walks of life. The idea of this program is to accord students of Mutambara High School and the surroundings communities with hands on sports training, so that the beneficiary can be self-reliant. The capacity building sports program also addresses issues of community development through sound sports management. Volunteers will work together with the communities in crafting strategies which have the capacity to achieve identify talent amongst the beneficiaries as well as the surrounding communities and beyond. Volunteers will also have an opportunity to engage in indoor and outdoor games with the beneficiaries. It is basically an opportunity for international volunteers to appreciate local initiatives by the surrounding communities in their humble initiative to use sports as a vehicle to promote community development.
No special skills are required in this program. Basically, passion and commitment are all volunteers require to take part in this program. Development Practitioners are most welcome to this project. Volunteers with other ideas to share are most welcome.
Accommodation: The volunteer will live with host families within the community and this will provide volunteers with the opportunity to learn more from the local people and also share in their daily way of life as well as deep understanding of the host community.
Food: Basic meals will be provided in the host family from what is locally available in the local community. Volunteers are therefore advised to be flexible and open minded. This will make it easy to negotiate entry into the community as volunteers.
Volunteers should have enough pocket money to cover for leisure.
You are advised to take a DOUBLE ENTRY BUSINESS VISA which cost approximately USD$50.00 for thirty days. This will help you to travel to neighbouring countries cheaper and on the same visa as scheduled on the itinerary. Single entry visas could turn out to be more expensive. Your visa should be marked BV meaning Business Visa and not TV meaning Tourist Visa. Volunteers are required to take a BV.
All volunteers intending to stay for over 30 days are required to apply for a TEMPORAL EMPLOYMENT PERMIT (TEP) which cost USD$500.00 and can be valued up to 2 years. Volunteers will be issued with a 30 day Business Visa on arrival at the port of entry which normally cost USD$30.00 depending on nationality and once they are in Victoria Falls, our Project Officers will help with the preparation of necessary paperwork for the TEP. The following documents should be provided for application of the TEP:
1. Original birth certificate and three notarised copies of the birth certificate
2. Original passport and three notarized copies of the passport
3. 3 passport size photos
4. Chest X-ray certificate (To be attained in Zimbabwe for USD$20.00)
5. Notarized copies of academic certificates (Three of each)
6. Police clearance from country of origin
Volunteers should have a valid insurance for the entire duration
The participates will contribute €300 for all around Zimbabwe, expect for Victoria Falls where volunteers should contribute €350 because of very high cost related to Victoria falls projects.
The fee covers orientation, evaluation, monitoring, project set up, office running/administrative expenses, supporting small community projects running of activities during the project, certificate of participation, accommodation, feeding at camp and communication prior to, during and after the camp.
The population of Zimbabwe are friendly, courteous and belong to different ethnical and cultural groups. There are Shona, Ndebele, Nambya, Tonga and a variety of other tribes which keep their own traditions, beliefs and languages. Many Zimbabweans mix their native language with the official language English, which becomes a sort of dialect and varies depending on the area the tribes are dominating. Catholicism is the most common and biggest religion throughout Zimbabwe although many people still believe in spiritual doctors, witchcraft and ancestor veneration. The family for most Zimbabweans is very important, the members stay close together, men are the expected leader and the elders are highly respected and treated like a family treasure. Even in times of misery visitors may be surprised by their hospitality and generosity. Dinner is the most important meal of a day, where Zimbabwean families share their food together. Washing hands is a customary before meals because Zimbabweans, particularly in the rural areas, eat the food with their hands.
Volunteer projects take place in very humble places around Zimbabwe. The bulk of our projects are not that difficult at all, what is only needed is flexibility, positive mentally attitude as well as openness to new culture, new experience. The secret remedy to, make the most of your time while volunteering in Zimbabwe is to adapt to the local environment. It important to highlight each and every project is unique, hence volunteers should make the most of their time with the community they serve, since this is a chance of a lifetime, to work and live with people in their respective communities, just like them.
- Find a project that interests you in our Open Projects
- Find your local organisation in your country of residence using our branch locator
- Get in touch with them with details about the project(s) you want to apply to. They will become your sending organisation.
- Any issues? Contact us!