Project Name : Hug Baan Den Organic Farm
Hosting Organisation : Not Specified (please enquire)
Volunteer Type : SCI Long-term Volunteering
Project Theme : Environment protection
Hosting Country: Thailand
Start date: Open
End date: Open
Duration : 2 months min
Deadline date: Open
Project Languages : Not Specified (please enquire)
Location : Lampang province, north Thailand
Country Languages : Thai
Number of Volunteers : 5
Project Description:

Kru Ann just came back in her family garden in the North Thailand in 2023. With her companion P Poon and their rich experience in eco farming and seeds collecting, they welcome volunteers to support their sustaining traditional agriculture practices and pass down valuable knowledge to interested people.  


Work Description:

Cultivate organic vegetables, harvest and store seeds, engage in cooking traditional Thai dishes and desserts using garden products, and participate in community cultural endeavors while also offering English learning opportunities for children.


Volunteers will engage in a range of community-centered initiatives, including collective farming endeavors like cultivating garlic and various crops.  


Volunteers should be ready to adapt to the Thai, local way of life, and willing to create relationships with volunteers’ friends, hosts and local people. Some difficult points could be the language and culture barrier, mosquitoes and insects, eating rice at every meal, missing feedback, changing plans often.


Accommodation and Food:

We will cook and live together. We are building a new hut to welcome the volunteers. The host provides simple bedding. If you have special need, please inform us in advance

Pocket Money:

There is no pocket money for volunteers.

Visa Info:

Less than 90 days: Participants should request a 60 days tourist visa at a Thai Embassy/ Consulate in their country.


Volunteers are responsible for their own insurance.


The fee for a 2-month service is 26,000 Baht, approx. 667 Euro (39, 000 Baht for 3 months). From the fourth months on the fee will be 11,000 per month.

Fees Used for:

The fee will be used on one part for living expenses (gas, water, electricity, food) and materials used in projects/activities and for the other part to support financially our organization. Volunteers’ fee is our only income.

Application Info:

You will get an answer within 1 week.

How to Apply?
  1. Find a project that interests you in our Open Projects
  2.  Find your local organisation in your country of residence using our branch locator
  3. Get in touch with them with details about the project(s) you want to apply to. They will become your sending organisation.
  4. Any issues? Contact us!