Nyamanche Primary School started the year 1981 as a Government School. The School supports children from the neighbouring villages. It consists of 600 (six hundred) pupils, 350 girls and 250 boys. The school has 12 teachers, 1 female and 11 male. It has 10 classrooms, 2 offices and 1 kitchen. The school has good academic record in the County.
“Strive for Excellence”
To mould future leaders
Maintain high discipline
To reduce illiteracy level in the Community
Create platform for volunteerism.
Cultural practice such as female genital mutilation
Poor sanitation
Lack of funds to facilitate the proposed development projects
Dependency on external assistance
Poor utilization of available resources
Project activities
The school was started with the aim of having members of the community have access to education and more so the girl child. In this community, differences between man and woman dictate a difference in their social roles and this reinforces a notion that men are more superior to women.
Capacity building will provide both men and women with political insight and moral support in confronting gender issues. A woman’s social status has led to marginalization. This was the very reason of starting the school so as to empower
Teaching Primary School pupils
Tree planting
Sensitization of the community on the dangers of FGM and advocacy on alternative rites of passage
Submit Project Report to KVDA
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.
Home stay and the volunteer is entitled to private room but will share other amenities and meals with the host family.
It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.
Volunteers are responsible for personal effects and feel free to inquire from KVDA case by case
Volunteers require invitation letter to enable them to submit application for Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) and this should be done in good time ahead of the trip to Kenya
· Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
The project participation fees is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300
Return transfers from the airport
Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
Volunteer mentorship
Application should be done through SCI partners, the VEF submitted to KVDA, it will be acknowledged promptly, and acceptance sent together with the invitation letter to facilitate visa application.
Leisure time
· Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
· From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
· The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage
Laundry and water:
· Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
· There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
- Find a project that interests you in our Open Projects
- Find your local organisation in your country of residence using our branch locator
- Get in touch with them with details about the project(s) you want to apply to. They will become your sending organisation.
- Any issues? Contact us!