Our charity supports family carers in the boroughs of Bexley and Greenwich. This project gives a carer a much-needed break from their caring role, with a volunteer keeping their loved one company so they can have some time to themselves. The carers do not pay for this service, it is provided mainly under our council funding.
The volunteers will be travelling by bus to clients’ homes to provide a break to the family carer.
a) Type of work carried out at the project: Our project provides a break to a family carer, either for three hours each week or a whole day every other week. They will be supporting clients aged 18 and above of a wide range of disabilities, for example dementia, Parkinson’s, Autism or mobility issues. Each volunteer will visit the same clients each week, so normally a maximum of ten clients. Volunteers with weekly clients will usually visit one in the morning from 10am to 1pm and in the afternoon from 2pm to 5pm, with time in between to travel. All clients are assessed by a member of staff when the start our service and the volunteer is introduced to their client by a member of staff or another volunteer. The volunteer does not help with any personal care, they will provide company and conversation, preparing any lunch (usually a sandwich) or drinks. Where clients are unable to leave the house, the visits will be entirely at home, possibly playing games, arts and crafts, watching television, listening to music. Some clients may be asleep the whole time, depending on their disability. If the client is physically able, the volunteer may go out with them to the shops, cinema, for a walk or taking them out in a wheelchair (subject to an assessment).
The volunteers receive their weekly schedule the week before, it is normally the same each week unless there is training or an event planned. We provide monthly supervision for the volunteers, scheduled in their normal volunteering day, so a client visit will be missed on this occasion.
The volunteers are supported by two members of staff and other office members if they are not available. There are also the family carers to call if necessary.
We expect the volunteers to be committed to their role, punctual and communicate with us on a regular basis. In return, we support them to have the best possible experience during their time with us.
b) Working hours: Monday to Friday visits with clients from 10am to 5pm
Travel before/after this time to get to their clients. Average weekly hours with clients = 30. All bank holidays are given and we close between Christmas and New Year, when the volunteers are required to take 3 days of their holiday entitlement. They also receive an extra day off for their birthday and for Christmas Eve.
- Find a project that interests you in our Open Projects
- Find your local organisation in your country of residence using our branch locator
- Get in touch with them with details about the project(s) you want to apply to. They will become your sending organisation.
- Any issues? Contact us!