Project Name : Bozevce summer program
Hosting Organisation : GAIA Kosovo
Volunteer Type : SCI Long-term Volunteering
Project Theme : Environment protection
Hosting Country: kosovo
Start date: Open
End date: Open
Duration : 3 months
Deadline Date : April 30, 2024
Project Languages : English
Location : Village Boževce/Bozhec, Ranilug, Kosovo
Country Languages : Albanian, Serbian
Number of Volunteers : 1
Looking for Volunteers From : Not Specified (please enquire)
Project Description:

In this remote village, with help of friends and volunteers, GAIA has been developing a project which serves as a place for education and practices of sustainable living, natural building, organic food production, communal living, etc. The program includes different activities in the fields of natural building, mainly with local materials such as earth and straw, food production and permaculture education. From spring till autumn, we host several youth exchanges, volunteer groups, scouts, workshops and similar. More than 100 people go through our educational program every year.
Our goal is to show by example that another way, simpler, in community and nature-friendly is possible.

Work Description:

In Summer we work a lot and it’s usually socially more interesting and intense, so volunteers usually help with:

- coordination of international volunteer groups (possibly in other locations), scout groups and youth exchanges
- construction work, carpentry, plastering  - gardening (sowing, harvesting, maintaining)


The volunteer should be:

- interested in sustainable and simpler living,
environmental topics and holistic approach to social and environmental problems
- ready and willing to live in a small remote village, but also in a small community with other volunteers,
members of GAIA and animals.
- ready to work in a team
- communicate in open and direct way, and to accept
- to be willing to learn, adapt and to respect local customs
- comfortable with animals, have no serious allergy and respect the program's protocols for working with them.

Accommodation and Food:

Food is vegetarian and vegan, mostly made with local products from the surrounding villages. Part of the food will be grown and collected by volunteers themselves.
There is no public transport to the village, but only to the nearby towns of Kamenica and Ranilug. Therefore, the volunteer should expect limited travelling options, but when needed and agreed they will be taken by the car to the nearest bus stop.
The volunteer will share living and working space with other volunteers, surrounded by lots of unspoiled nature, peaceful time for themselves.

Pocket Money:

The volunteer will receive 100 euro pocket money for a month. 

Visa Info:

Not needed


The volunteer will be provided with SCI insurance.


No fees.

Application Info:

This project is open for the volunteers from the Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria).

Interested candidates should apply through the respective branch or partner of SCI from their country. 

Additional Information:

Travel costs will be covered, therefore the volunteer should keep all of their traveling tickets.

How to Apply?
  1. Find a project that interests you in our Open Projects
  2.  Find your local organisation in your country of residence using our branch locator
  3. Get in touch with them with details about the project(s) you want to apply to. They will become your sending organisation.
  4. Any issues? Contact us!